Real love spell subliminal [Do not overuse]

Описание к видео Real love spell subliminal [Do not overuse]

This subliminal is EXACTLY like my "Obsession + Love spell" subliminal, EXCEPT it is the healthy version. This one will not make your desired person obsessed to the point of insanity like my last subliminal could, but it i will make him/her extremely addicted, clingy, loving, obsessed, etc in a non-toxic way.

I put a picture of the real ritual I did in the first few seconds of the sub on the bottom left, the oils and bags on the middle and right are just the materials and aftermath. the ritual consists of both candle and jar spells, meditation, energy work, calling upon Sitri (a seggsual demon), Gremori (a demon that helps with longterm relationships), and my ancestors. (the sigil that the candles are on is a demonic sigil) If you aren't familiar with demons of magick, dont worry, they are not evil like how they are portrayed in the media! They are actually very useful entities and they have more manners than angels imo.

also, this sub is 18+ (if you cant tell the candle on the right is a 🍆 LMAO its specific use is to make your desired person not only emotionally attatched to you, but also physically ykwim)


to introduce myself~💞
🍦 I am an 00 liner, occultist of 8 years and a hereditary witch
🍬 Ive been making my own subliminals for about 5 years ish and they've helped me so much, so im deciding to make them public now and support the community (ive been in the community itself since i was 12)
🎀 I meditate and put energies into my subs and occasionally call upon deities to bless my work
🧸 Im blasian!

info (^з^)-☆
✨ Because of the amount of affs and energy work I put into my subs I dont recommend bundling
🩰 Downloading isnt recommended either
🍭 Yes, you can use it in playlists
🧁 Boosters are included in my subliminals as well as my own powerful formula
🍼 Listen at a mid to low/comfortable volume
🍮 headphones/earbuds recommended


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