How temperature impacts plants growth and do you need heater in your planted tank ?

Описание к видео How temperature impacts plants growth and do you need heater in your planted tank ?

hi everyone,
Today we are going to discuss the effect of increased temperature in your planted tank and
do you need heater in your planted tank.

Impact of temperature in planted tanks is a topic which is hardly discussed over hobby. But,
based on my understanding this is the most important topic which should get similar attention
as planted tank light or  filtration. The reason I can share some important information on
 planted tank temperature and it's impact on the plants is simply because I had lived in India ,
USA and Canada. So, from hot to moderate cold and  extreme cold regions of the world are the
places where I had opportunity to live.In every country I pursued my planted tank ventures and I
have seen & experienced the impact of  temperature on plants in person.  

I'll simply share my experience of growing aquatic plants in several continents of the world.
I hope you will be able to learn from my experience & mistakes.

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Background Music Credit --
Music: Circles by Hunter Milo is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
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