
Описание к видео 【痛症】骨質疏鬆症引起的疼痛

老唔惱 – 減痛耆謀
Demand on your CARE: Managing Chronic Pain in Older Adults

長者經常腰痠背痛,手腳乏力,沒有胃口及精神萎靡。家人或以為是正常退化現象。 然而這些看似普通並且常見的徵狀,卻不一定是退化造成。長者常因疼痛而未經治療或未得到充分治療。結果,疼痛治療不足可能對其健康及生活質數產生負面影響。 慢性痛症是指身體間歇或持續出現三個月或以上的痛楚,其成因各異。疼痛管理應包括藥物和非藥物方法。非藥物治療經常未被充分使用,應該考慮使用在每位患有慢性疼痛的長者。即使藥物療法被認為是重要的,非藥物治療也可以作為有用的輔助劑,以減少藥物使用的劑量和時間。 如果長者周身肌肉疼痛,徵狀持續,背後可能另有原因,需要深入了解及進行檢查,不要讓長者白白捱痛!
Older people often complain of low back pain, presenting with weakness of four limbs, lacking appetite and energy. Family members often thought these deterioration is a normal phenomenon due to ageing. However, these seemingly ordinary and common symptoms are not necessarily caused by ageing. Older people are often either untreated or undertreated for pain. The consequences of under treatment for pain can have a negative impact on their health and quality of life. Chronic pain is the pain of three months or more perceived by the individual. It is caused by different factors. Pain management techniques should include both pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic approaches. Non pharmacologic treatment options are frequently underused and should be considered in every older people presenting with chronic pain. Even when pharmacologic therapies are considered important, non-pharmacologic options can serve as a helpful adjunct to decrease the dosage and duration of medication when it is used. If there is persistent complaint from the senior of muscle aches, there must be a reason behind, which need to be explored and examined deeply. It is vital that the senior should not be left to suffer in pain. This course will bring you safety tips on reducing fall hazards at home. We will guide you through a set of exercise that a senior can easily practice indoor. In case of a fall event, a self-help guide will also be shown. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Jockey Club Cadenza e-Tools for Elder Care
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This video provides information for educational purposes only. It does not provide medical recommendations or diagnoses and is not a substitute for medical advice. It is crucial that you talk with your healthcare providers to discuss any questions you may have and seek them for medical advice, before you make any medical decisions. As this video is only for educational purposes, we will not be responsible for any decisions you will make or consequences you will have based on the information it provides. In no event shall the Funder have any liability of any kind to any person or entity arising from or related to any actions taken or not taken as a result of any of the contents herein.


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