On-Demand: "Engage, Empower, Excel: Transforming Performance in the New Era of Work"

Описание к видео On-Demand: "Engage, Empower, Excel: Transforming Performance in the New Era of Work"

The world of work has fundamentally changed. The series of waves that the pandemic began have rippled through the Great Resignation, quiet quitting, the Great Regret, and other eloquent phrases that boil down to the same thing: people aren’t engaged at work or enabled to perform at their best. The truth is that engagement and enablement is more important than ever, but how we do it is the critical differentiator for many organizations.

To thrive in this new era, organizations must ditch last-century’s strategies and adapt their approach. In this on-demand webinar, we explore how to unlock your team's full potential in the new era of work. We discuss how to shift from traditional practices, such as performance management, to new ways of enabling performance with continuous feedback, recognition, and growth. You will discover practical strategies to empower managers and build high-performing teams. By focusing on engagement and enablement, you can drive exceptional results and create a workplace where employees feel valued and motivated.


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