Vox Machina: The List Part Three (abridged)

Описание к видео Vox Machina: The List Part Three (abridged)

SPOILERS for Critical Role's (The Legend Of) Vox Machina season 1.

The reactions to season two have thinned out, and I decided to make a version of this that won't get blocked. The original version included Percy's vengeful rant to Deliliah; apparently that was too much uninterrupted footage before Nardin's music kicked in. I don't make money off this platform, the appropriate copyright holders can claim my fan work to their heart's content, but I HATE when they mute or block it. (At least it's the billionaire's fault, not the creators.)

I'm still not happy with the audio editing in this one, but I've more experience isolating music from the dialogue, not the other way around (I'm still miffed that we only got the first season of the Korra soundtracks). I'll admit, I lost patience with it... and after the fuss, I'm not inclined to do any more work on it.

I've chosen the music for the Chroma Conclave pentalogy. I considered making the first two sooner rather than later, but decided it's better to do them all together. I don't suppose Lance Reddick recorded his lines for that, already? I know I'll miss him in the next Horizon game. RIP.

(I've also chosen the music for the Biggest Bad of the campaign, but we'll see how that turns out, won't we...)


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