Alfred J. Kwak - 3: The ruby of the crown | Het kroonjuweel

Описание к видео Alfred J. Kwak - 3: The ruby of the crown | Het kroonjuweel

Alfred is going to be on trial for the charges. The situation is pretty bad as the circumstantial evidence is persuasive enough to make everybody believe that he is the real culprit. And now that Henk and his friends have been failing to sneak him out of jail, Grabbie seems the only one that can save his life. Thanks to Grabbie he shows up in court and claims to have committed the crime. In the end, they also acquit Grabbie for his honesty.
Alfred moet door zijn misdaad voor het gerechtshof verschijnen. Henk en zijn vrienden weten dat Pikkie de Ekster het robijn heeft gestolen, maar kunnen de koning niet overtuigen van Alfred's onschuld. De enige die Alfred nu nog kan helpen is de dief zelf...


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