The Great Starvation : Redefining The Irish Famine

Описание к видео The Great Starvation : Redefining The Irish Famine

The "Great Irish Famine" (as it has become to be known) was historically blamed on the potato blight but delving deeper into the facts we discover this blight ravaged most of Europe at the time, why didn't other countries experience such devastating widespread death and starvation? The fact remains Irelands food supply and distribution was controlled by the most powerful Empire of the time with ship loads of food being transported to Britain leaving the starving poor to fend for themselves. Evictions, over population and a non responsive government all led to a genocide which is hard to ignore some 170 years after the fact.

For over 30 years Afri (Action From Ireland) has been joined by thousands of people to walk the famine road through the Doolough Valley in County Mayo. It is a walk like no other commemorating the death of hundreds of people begging for food. Abounding in memory, music, history, solidarity and spectacular beauty; retracing the steps of the dispossessed of the past and forging solidarity with the banished and oppressed of today. It represents one of many massacres carried out all over the island throughout this time which will never be forgotten.

This documentary reflects on the issues at the core of this event...

To buy a copy of the Famine album visit this page -

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