ANDHA YUG(Hindi Play)|Mood Indigo-IIT Bombay (finalist)|Niser BBSR(winner)|IIT BBSR(runners up)|2022

Описание к видео ANDHA YUG(Hindi Play)|Mood Indigo-IIT Bombay (finalist)|Niser BBSR(winner)|IIT BBSR(runners up)|2022

ANDHA YUG (The Age of Blindness or The Blind Age) Andha Yug is a verse play written in hindi in 1954, (based on ancient Sanskrit epic MAHABHARTA by VED VYAS) by renowend novelist, poet and playwright DHARAMVIR BHARTI.

The play begins on the eighteenth and the last day of The Great Mahabharata war,which devastated the kingdom of Kauravas, the feuding cousins of Pandavas and their capital the once-magnificent Hastinapur lay burning, in ruins, the battlefield of Kurukshetra was strewn with corpses, and skies filled with vultures and death laments. Fatalities were on both sides as cousins killed each other.

And Ashwatthama, son of guru Dronacharya, in one last-ditch act of revenge against the Pandavas, releases the ultimate weapon of destruction – the Brahmastra, which promises to annihilate the world. No one comes forward to condemn it: Ethics and humanity have been the first casualties of the war. Krishna who mediated between the cousins before war, remains the moral centre of the play. The play ends with the death of Krishna.

Directed by -
Rraushan Kartiwal

Choreography - Sneha


Dhrithrashtra - Raushan Kartiwal

Gandhari - Aiswarya Dhal

Vidhur - Prabhu Pratik Panda

Ashwosthama- Divesh Nayak

Yachak - Mukunda Nand Diwedi

Kripacharya - Mohit Moharana
Kritverma - Kaushik Mukherjee

Sanjay - Smruti Ranjan Sahoo

Drona - Prabhu Pratik Panda

Krishna - Smruti Ranjan Sahoo

Prahari - Rudra , Shubhank Behera, Smruti Ranjan Sahoo

Dhrishtadum - Raushan Kartiwal

Narration - Sonali
Dance - Adyasha, Sneha

Costume Stylist - Priyanshu Rath
Production Design - Subhojeet, Dibya
Light - Divesh , Mukund
Music - Shubhank , Priyanshu

A special thanks to our beloved senior and TSK alumni Rohan Yadav.


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