Romance Languages Comparison | Spanish Vs Italian Vs France Vs Portuguese - Compare Languages

Описание к видео Romance Languages Comparison | Spanish Vs Italian Vs France Vs Portuguese - Compare Languages

In this video, we will compare the numbers as well as the names of fruits and animals across the four major Romance languages: Spanish, Italian, French, and Portuguese. You'll learn how these related languages differ in the way they pronounce and spell these basic vocabulary words. Be sure to subscribe to our channel for more fascinating linguistic comparisons!

We'll cover:
Counting from 1 to 10 in each language
The names of common fruits like apple, banana, orange, lemon, and grape
The names of popular animals like dog, cat, horse, bird, and fish

Subscribe to our channel for more videos exploring the similarities and differences between Romance languages!

Romance languages
Language comparison
Spanish vs Italian vs
French vs Portuguese
Number names
Fruit names
Animal names



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