Contesting a 100 Man fight in Open World PVP MMO ( Mortal Online 2 PVP )

Описание к видео Contesting a 100 Man fight in Open World PVP MMO ( Mortal Online 2 PVP )

First Relic fight of the "Relic Wars Era" In the Northern part of the map right outside of the Ultimeki Cave. There were multiple other relic fights all over the map at the same time of this fight . Odinseed was hit head on by Rat alliance and took heavy casualties. While Odinseed was recovering and regrouping Rat alliance was hit by 35+ Reign/Mythic/Nightmare. Odinseed would close in on a choke and secure most of the loot. After Depoing and coming back the Rat alliance would push again and inflict heavy dmg on the Odinseed alliance.

Relic only dropped random ass loot

Good fights boys


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