Adobe's Scott Belsky on the Earliest Stages of Startup Building

Описание к видео Adobe's Scott Belsky on the Earliest Stages of Startup Building

Greylock general partner Seth Rosenberg speaks with Scott Belsky, who is the Chief Strategy Officer and EVP of Design & Emerging Products at Adobe. In this conversation, they discuss some of the key first steps startup founders must take during the earliest phases of company-building such as idea validation, assembling the right core team, and finding product-market-fit. Belsky (who began working at Adobe when the company acquired his startup Behance in 2012), shared tips from his past experience as a founder as well as his current experience working with startups as a seed investor.

This interview was recorded in front of a live audience gathered to learn about Greylock Edge, which is a bespoke 3-month company-building program designed to advance select pre-idea, pre-seed, and seed founders from inception to product-market-fit, with fully flexible financing. To learn more or apply, visit


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