Prophet Stories In Urdu | Prophet Shuaib (AS) Story | Quran Stories In Urdu | Urdu Cartoons

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Urdu Islamic Kids Videos Presents Prophet Shuaib (AS) or Shoaib (pbuh) Story in Urdu.

In this episode of prophet stories, People of Madyan were the Arabs who lived in the country of Ma'an. They were a bunch of greedy people, who refused to believe in Allah (swt). They led a very wicked life. They mostly comprised of traders, but they cheated their customers by giving short measure, and praising their goods beyond their worth. It was during this time that Allah (swt) send Prophet Shuaib to Madyan. Hazrat Shuaib tried warning these people, but they din't listen. What will happen to the people of Madyan? Will they heed to the call of the Prophet? Watch this episode of Islamic Stories to learn more!

Stories of Prophets is a compilation of animated stories based on the Prophets in Islam. Our videos are ideal for everyone and can enjoy it without limits. Each of our videos presents the stories of Prophets from different times. Every video highlights the work of a Prophet, and how He preached the message of Allah (swt).

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