老《天下贰》游戏原声音乐 - 冰心堂

Описание к видео 老《天下贰》游戏原声音乐 - 冰心堂


Tian Xia II Soundtrack. Tian Xia II was a Chinese MMO developed by NetEase. The game was inspired by Chinese mythology and incorporated real locations from Chinese geography. The game featured a distinctively Chinese art direction inspired by Chinese ink paintings. Tian Xia II was released for beta in 2007, however it was taken down shortly after to be reworked. In 2008, the redeveloped game went into beta, but lost its original unique art direction. This is the soundtrack from the original game, before it was reworked.

老天下贰载图, Screenshots of the original game: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/478865610
新天下贰 (天下3), The reworked game: http://tx3.163.com/


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