❤️ تجربتي مع الحب | Lessons we learnt from previous relationships

Описание к видео ❤️ تجربتي مع الحب | Lessons we learnt from previous relationships

شو رأيكم بالموضوع الي حكينا عنه؟ 😻حبّينا نكون واقعيين بمشاعرنا وافكارنا وشو بصير معنا ونشاركها معكم. أول شي لتعرفوا انو مش لحالكم وتاني لشي لنحكي عن الموضوع ونتحاور..
شاركونا رأيكم وأفكاركم! نتمنى لكم كل الحب والبركة والطمأنينة بكل شي بتسووه
Glo and I discuss one of our favorite topics that we discuss as women when we gather up! We thought why not get real and share how things have been happening for us and how we deal with them to open a conversation with you guys … What are your thoughts on the topic of love and relationships? Wether you are a man or a woman we would love to hear from you!
And wether you are single or in a relationship we wish you so much love, growth, and ultimate bliss! ❤️

Follow the awesome glo on https://instagram.com/glographics?utm...


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