Are You Making These Common Subject-Verb Agreement Mistakes?

Описание к видео Are You Making These Common Subject-Verb Agreement Mistakes?

Mastering subject verb agreement is a crucial skill for any English language learner or native speaker! From singular and plural nouns to collective nouns and ambiguous subjects, we'll cover it all. So, grab a pen and paper, and get ready to improve your grammar skills. Do you have what it takes to become a subject verb agreement master? Watch to find out!
0:18- Subject-Verb Agreement
1:24- Sentence structure
1:31- What is Subject
2:17- What is Verb
4:45- Main and Helping Verbs
8:04- Simple Present Tense
9:55- Simple Present Tense - Negative Sentences
10:54- Simple Present Tense - Interrogative Sentences
11:23- Present Continuous Tense
12:14- Present Perfect Tense
13:09- Past Simple Tense
13:39- Past Perfect Tense
14:28- Past Continuous Tense
15:56- Both Of/ A Few Of/ Many/ Several in the Subject
17:11- What About Collections?
18:59- Half Of / A Third Of / % Of / Some of / Most of / Many of
21:15- Everybody / Anybody / Somebody / Nobody Everyone / Anyone / Someone/ No One
22:49- Each--- Singular
24:00- Subjects Connected by or, either/or, or neither/nor
25:33- Verb Agrees With First Noun/Ponoun/Noun Phrase
27:03- Uncountable Nouns are Always Singular
28:41- Some Subjects Always Require a Singular Verb
29:59- Also Note
31:16- Sentences Beginning With 'There' or 'Here'
32:05- Police is Usually Plural
33:33- Our Most Prominent Playlists

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