How to make a Mocha

Описание к видео How to make a Mocha

Extra Pointers
- The video uses a 20oz pitcher, 10oz cup, whole milk and a double shot espresso
- Some chocolates melt easier than others. I recommend a liquid cocoa when making a mocha as it mixes easily.
- Cocoa powder is optional but an interesting thing that you can do is only use cocoa powder instead of chocolate to create a vegan mocha (with an alternative milk ofcourse!).
- The sweetness of a mocha is really personal preference but you want both the espresso and chocolate to work in harmony. Not have one flavor overshadow the other.
- Properly foamed milk is half the battle of good latte art. It's important to not only add the right amount of microfoam but also incorporate that foam throughout the pitcher with a whirlpool motion.


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