Why You Liked ... Prey

Описание к видео Why You Liked ... Prey

In this video, I dive into why you loved Prey, the 2022 film directed by Dan Trachtenberg. I'll explore Trachtenberg’s childhood influences; he grew up during the arcade culture boom of the 80s and 90s, and was no stranger to The Legend of Zelda. These experiences shaped his storytelling, leading to the creation of Prey: a stripped-down, intense survival narrative that revitalises the Predator franchise.

I’ll get into how Prey stands out by focusing on Naru, a young Comanche woman, and how her journey challenges typical Hollywood hero archetypes. This video also touches on the film’s cultural significance, emphasising the importance of authentic representation and giving a voice to the voiceless.

Join me as I break down what makes Prey a modern classic and why Trachtenberg’s approach to storytelling leaves a lasting legacy.

A formatted script of this video can be found here: https://parrydox.com/why-you-liked-prey/

#Prey #DanTrachtenberg #Predator #ComancheNation #IndigenousRepresentation #MovieAnalysis #Heroism #ArcadeCulture #TheLegendOfZelda #FilmCritique #AmberMidthunder


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