Carving a Japanese Kanji Seal (Inkan or Hanko) for a Graphic Designer, Photographer and Illustrator

Описание к видео Carving a Japanese Kanji Seal (Inkan or Hanko) for a Graphic Designer, Photographer and Illustrator

This is a Japanese name chop(Inkan or Hanko) carved on seal stone.

To translate English names into Chinese art name, we could use both first and last names, or only a first or a last.

To order a personalized art name seal for yourself here are the procedure:
1)Go to and place the order with stone, carving service and red ink(optional).
You may also get a Chinese name online at
3) After receiving your order, I will communicate with you about the translation or creation of your Chinese art name and the make different styles(yin and yang) of preview designs for you to choose from.
4)After your approval of the preview design, I will actually carve the stone seal and the process will be recorded on video camera and posted on Youtube.
5) I will finish your seal within 7-10 days and mailed it with a nice brocade silk box.

For Chinese name seals, you may use either square or oval shaped stones, positive or negative carving styles, ancient or modern scripts depending on your personal artistic tastes. Different sizes of seal maybe used depending on the size of signature calligraphy and also on the size of painting or the style of painting. A small seal can be used on large size paintings but large size of seal may not fit in small size painting.

For more information please visit




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