NYU Langone Intimidation Video

Описание к видео NYU Langone Intimidation Video

I want all of you to really listen to this video. Just listen to this guy speak to you like you are so insignificant.

They are saying you are diseased and infected. Your "mother, brother, daughter will die."

The vaccine is "safe and effective," but never mind the reported 1.5m adverse reactions and in excess of 18k deaths identified in VAERS.

They strive and are committed to keeping each other safe - meanwhile last year the Nurses were forced to work 60 hours a week without any protection, and if they would have refused they would have been fired.

Listen to how they tell you if you aren't vaccinated, not only are you fired, but:

1. Don't assume you get benefits,
2. Don't assume you get health insurance,
3. Don't assume you would have a job ever again.

My blood boils when I listen to this.

Is this okay to you? For all of you who were "against the machine," "against big corp.," "against big brother," but now you support this-- is this where you want to be in life?

Imagine the pendulum swings the other way. What if they did this with Liquor, which will 100% kill you every time with 0 health benefits? What about cigarettes, which will 100% kill you every time with 0 health benefits? What about white refined sugars, which will 100% cause you health problems, which exacerbate poor health and with 0 health benefits?

Why do you people ignore this, and just keep saying "Well, I guess I need to keep my jobs?" Why do you people give in to this? Why do you not push back and fight? If 35% of you all resisted your employers, this would be over. They would have no control.



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