Piranha Hunting Reels Episode-11

Описание к видео Piranha Hunting Reels Episode-11

Piranha Hunting Reels Episode-11
About the life and adventures of a Russian Navy combat swimmer, Captain 1st Rank Kirill Mazur,
nicknamed "Piranha" by his friends. Once upon a time, back in the Soviet Union,
a secret laboratory was built in the taiga, at the bottom of a beautiful deep lake,
where a strong poisonous substance was successfully developed.
But one day, one of the employees brought his little son to the laboratory, and that day there was an accident.
Everyone died except the boy. His father miraculously managed to push him through the hatch to the surface.
The boy told about what happened to him, but no one believed him -
the laboratory as such did not officially exist for anyone. Years passed.
And now, an instructor of the special forces unit "Piranha" Kirill Mazur and a military chemist
Olga Khmelnitskaya are sent to these parts on a special mission.
And the boy grew up and became the uncrowned king of these places...


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