John Eckhardt - God Knows Your Voice - Use It to Activate Heaven

Описание к видео John Eckhardt - God Knows Your Voice - Use It to Activate Heaven

God knows your unique voice. Use your voice in prayer and worship to release breakthroughs. The enemy tries to silence you, but keep speaking out in faith.

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We all have a unique voice that God recognizes. Just as our fingerprints are unique, so is the sound of our voice. Out of over 8 billion people on earth, no two voices are exactly alike.

When you speak, sing, pray or prophesy, God knows who you are by the distinct sound of your voice. He hears not just your words, but the unique tone, timber and inflection of your voice.

Your voice carries your identity in the spirit realm. It contains power, like your signature on a document. When you decree and declare God's word, your voice releases that power into the atmosphere.

The enemy wants to silence your voice through discouragement, intimidation or lies that say you are not being heard. But scripture urges us:

"Shout it aloud, do not hold back. Raise your voice like a trumpet." (Isaiah 58:1)

Multiple verses describe how God responds when He hears our voices raised to Him:

"I call on the Lord in my distress, and he answers me." (Psalm 120:1)

"He hears my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears." (Psalm 18:6)

"Hear my voice when I call, Lord; be merciful to me and answer me." (Psalm 27:7)

Our voices have power to decree, declare, prophesy and intercede. God listens for the unique sound He created in each of us.

Not only does God recognize our individual voices, but He hears the corporate voice of His people when they unite in worship and prayer.

Our voices together become a spiritual weapon, able to shake the foundations of the enemy's strongholds when lifted in unity and praise.

God has given you a unique voice for a purpose. Ask Him for a fresh anointing upon your voice, that you may use it boldly and powerfully for His glory.

He wants to do great things through you. Believe that your voice is important, valued and heard by your Heavenly Father.

Your words, spoken with faith, can move mountains and change your world. Jesus said if we have faith when we speak to obstacles, and do not doubt, we will have whatever we say! (Mark 11:23)

The time has come for you to unleash your full Kingdom authority through the power God has placed in your voice.

Decree His word, intercede in the Spirit, prophesy life and victory, and sing praise with boldness. Heaven responds when you lift your voice!

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