Ravendawn PVP - Canxio vs Nseioq Przyjazny - Aether Rift

Описание к видео Ravendawn PVP - Canxio vs Nseioq Przyjazny - Aether Rift

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  / canxi0  


I start fighting the Rift Abomination, then I noticed Nseioq closing in from the North side, at first I'm taken by surprise because he reached me super early into the match but then I gathered my thoughts and realized I needed to finish off the Rift Abomination in order to heal and have a chance to beat him, I finish the Rift Abomination off with a Guillotine which unfortunately makes me start the fight with 0 Aether.

Nseioq uses Shadow Net on me, silencing me and then proceeds to use Quick Fire which was a mistake because as soon as I came out of the net I used Bullrush to close the gap, interrupting Quick Fire in the process.

I expected Nseioq to use either Death Blossom or Shadowstrike after my Bullrush stun wears off because it's perfect for him since I forced him into melee, so I use unbreakable as soon as my global cooldown allows, which successfully blocks his Death Blossom.

I follow up with a Smithing Smash fort he slow and damage reduction since I'm at 50% health already and need to heal.

He starts trying to gain some distance while spamming Wind Arrow but he's still slowed by Smithing Smash so I'm able to stick to him.

I get my Bloodlust heal but I'm taking a lot of damage, I'm at 20% health after he breaks my armor with Earthquake as Nseioq get's ready to finish me off. I use Death Blossom right as he uses illusive so I miss, I follow up with illusive myself which dodges his Dragon Arrow.

As we move further north I hit him with Shadowstrike as he starts channeling Rain of Arrows, I attempt to use Pummel but miss by 0.1 seconds. I make a bad prediction while slowed by his Rain of Arrows which forces me to use Stalk and Coup de Grace in order to not let him gain distance on me.

He uses Poison Grenade to reduce my healing, I return to my Stalk which doesn't put me on Global Cooldown so I'm able to Bullrush right after for the stun, I'm at 10% health right now so I'm just trying to heal a bit while he's stunned, at this point he is also at around 15% health.

As soon as he comes out of the Bullrush stun he uses Feasting Strike, healing for 1296 and then starts kiting East. I use Shield Throw for the barrier and use Spirit Shield reducing his damage and therefore making my barrier more efficient.

We're moving North now with us both at less than 5% health, I have every damaging ability on cooldown except 3 which are: Earthquake, Fierce Leap, and Smithing Smash.

Both Earthquake and Fierce Leap cost health to cast, so my only option is Smithing Smash but I have to time it perfectly, otherwise if I use it right as he's moving off to a new tile I'm going to miss and probably lose the fight, but I don't miss. I manage to hit him for 336 Damage, also reducing his damage by 35% which saves my life, I'm at 542 health and his next Wind Arrow is a triple Wind Arrow which hits me for 182, 149, and 125 (456) but also because my Spirit Shield is still active he takes 3 hits as well, for 22, 32, and 27, while also taking a basic attack for 180.

In the end he takes his last 70 health points of damage from God knows where, probably Savagery, I take 30 damage from the last tick of his Viper Arrow leaving me at 141 health but alive.


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