How to make a House Building System! (Castle, Hut, Mansion, City, Village, Unity Tutorial)

Описание к видео How to make a House Building System! (Castle, Hut, Mansion, City, Village, Unity Tutorial)

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💬 Here's a really awesome House Building System!
Place down Floors, then Walls and Doors, some stairs going up to a second or third floor and a Ceilling.
You can use this to build Houses, Castles, Huts, Mansions or even entire Cities and Villages!
It's built on top of my previously made Grid Building System and it's super easy to modify and adapt to your needs.
Hope you find it useful! Hit the like button if you do!

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00:00 Unity House Building System
00:58 Jason Weimann Code Monkey Bundle
01:59 Grid System
02:39 Creating Object Types
03:39 Floor Edge Objects
04:00 POLYGON Fantasy Kingdom Asset Pack
04:16 Multiple Levels
05:20 Basic Character Movement
06:03 Building UI
06:33 See Through Walls
07:40 Save System
08:00 NPCs
08:10 Loose Objects
08:33 Unity House Building System
11:19 Village Building System

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