胡錦濤「被離席」,習派全面掌權!中共二十大發生什麼事?《 左邊鄰居觀察日記 》EP 074|志祺七七

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#二十大 #習近平 #胡錦濤

00:00 開頭
01:39 【圖文不符】廣告段落
02:14 插曲不斷?胡錦濤「被離席」風波
03:52 團派全滅?習近平的「人事清洗」?
05:32 習派人馬,壟斷中國權力核心?
07:07 中共政治報告:安全大於經濟?
08:53 中共政治報告:對台策略更強硬?
10:12 2027年以前,中國將武力侵台?
11:59 我們的觀點
13:25 問題
13:43 結尾

【 製作團隊 】



【 本集參考資料 】

→What Happened at China's 20th Party Congress?:https://bit.ly/3sAX4xK
→China's Xi is more powerful than ever. What does it mean for the world? | CNN:https://cnn.it/3WbrVP0
→Xi Jinping’s Ideological Ambition Challenges China’s Economic Prospects:https://on.wsj.com/3f5lmwJ
→Hu Jintao’s Exit From China’s Communist Party Congress Causes a Stir:https://on.wsj.com/3f5ln3L
→All Xi’s men: Takeaways from China’s historic Communist Party Congress:https://bit.ly/3syjj79
→China’s Leaders: Xi Jinping and His Men:https://on.wsj.com/3FpX37d
→How Long Can Xi Prioritize ‘Zero COVID’ over the Economy?:https://bit.ly/3sye9Ir
→Xi’s Work Report to the 20th Party Congress: 5 Takeaways:https://bit.ly/3W8arD6
→China eyes 'armed unification' with Taiwan by 2027: key academic - Nikkei Asia:https://s.nikkei.com/3W0ZUJP
→China’s 20th Party Congress Report: Doubling Down in the Face of External Threats:https://bit.ly/3sFlJ3S
→Sharp fall in China’s global standing as poll shows backing for Taiwan defence:https://bit.ly/3gOFcwz
→China’s Xi Jinping, Secure in Power, Faces Deepening Economic Challenges:https://on.wsj.com/3WiNxsK
→Xi Jinping’s Endgame: A China Prepared for Conflict With the U.S.:https://on.wsj.com/3fdKl0H
→Surveying the Experts: China's Approach to Taiwan | ChinaPower Project:https://bit.ly/3f62IEV
→China’s Military Is Catching Up to the U.S. Is It Ready for Battle?:https://on.wsj.com/3sCraRs
→How China Could Choke Taiwan’s Economy With a Blockade:https://nyti.ms/3sxPPXl
→How We Would Know When China Is Preparing to Invade Taiwan:https://bit.ly/3sBhW7M
→What would be the signs China is preparing to invade Taiwan?:https://bit.ly/3zkuYu8
→China eyes 'armed unification' with Taiwan by 2027: key academic:https://s.nikkei.com/3DkrARs
→Xi Jinping opens Chinese Communist party congress with warning for Taiwan:https://bit.ly/3NcA3uv
→China’s Economy Grew 3.9% in the Third Quarter:https://on.wsj.com/3N9iknE
→二十大閉幕:習近平進一步擴權,溫和派退出領導層 - :https://nyti.ms/3N9io6S
→中國式「清零」:一場只為習近平表演的政治運動 -:https://nyti.ms/3FDicLx
→五點解讀「中國式現代化」 中宣部:不走戰爭老路:https://bit.ly/3DzEnAI
→二十大後兩岸關係 學者:進入和平與戰爭抉擇點:https://bit.ly/3DCTwkQ
→中共二十大:中國三季度GDP「罕見」延期公布 折射經濟現狀 :https://bbc.in/3gNDuLI
→中共二十大習近平與政治局常委亮相 海外媒體評論與國際反應 :https://bbc.in/3W10h7b
→北戴河會議後胡春華高調亮相 可望在中共二十大「入常」(國際):https://bit.ly/3W7GG53
→中共二十大开幕:习近平称“坚持动态清零不动摇” 提出“中国式现代化” :https://bbc.in/3sBHzFK
→胡錦濤20大會場「被離場」謎團 外媒拍到疑似因阻翻文件:https://bit.ly/3gFNmqR
→69歲習近平20大政治報告 未讀全文省略1小時:https://bit.ly/3W9aYEM

【 延伸閱讀 】

→How Xi Jinping Transformed China—and His Challenges Ahead:https://on.wsj.com/3TXdEU0
→China’s Xi Jinping Set to Give ‘Wolf Warrior’ Diplomacy More Bite:https://on.wsj.com/3WblQBR
→Women pushed even further from power in Xi Jinping’s China:https://bit.ly/3syeLOf


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