The Breach - File #3

Описание к видео The Breach - File #3

🛰 A.R.M. (Achab Remote Mind) is an advanced security system, a sophisticated artificial intelligence developed by A-Corp engineers: it is able to detect and fight against the intrusion attempts to Gene.sys. After hacking into the database, Avatars will have to face several dangers, including I.C.E. controlled by the A.R.M. In case of need, powerful Guardians will try to put an end to intrusion attempts, terminating the Avatars...
Watch the video and try to find the secret web page, to start the decrypting process!
Click on the link below to play with us 😉

🌃 Play with us! Decode the enigmas and try to win a pledge of The Breach! The prize will be drawn from all those who will crack the code.
You can invite up to 3 friends to play with us. For each one invited that will solve all riddles and fill the final survey, you will gain 1 more entry in the draw phase. Friends that you invited during last week game will also be counted, of course if they will participate and answer the questions!.
Next 8/3/22 at 1 pm (CET) we will close this third contest and announce the winner.

💻 The next communication will be decrypted and released on 9/3/22. Will you be smart enough to crack the new code and win a pledge?
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