10 Pond Skater Facts - The Water Dancer - Animal a Day P Week

Описание к видео 10 Pond Skater Facts - The Water Dancer - Animal a Day P Week

Welcome to Animal a Day's P Week. Every day this week will have an animal that starts with the letter P. Today we learn about the insect that acts like Jesus and glides across the water with ease, the Pond Skater.

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Disclaimer 1: Not all pictures and clips are necessarily those of the exact animal being covered. It's hard to tell between animals sometimes and/or the pics and clips I find may have been tagged with the wrong animal.
Disclaimer 2: There is tons of information on the internet, and a lot of it is contradictory. It's also not always clear what is fact, what is opinion, and what is the most up-to-date, correct information. And there is lots of room for misinterpretation. Because of these things, some facts might not be totally correct, and some might be completely wrong. I encourage you to do your own deep dive on these animals if you like one. You can do your own research and decide for yourself what you want to believe.

90% written by ChatGPT, 10% by me, and edited by me. Here's the one source that's not a broken link it gave me:


Here's some more that corroborate some of what it said:




#pondskater #animaladay #aad #animals #funfacts #zoo #wildlife #pondskater #waterstrider #water #walkonwater #jesus #insect #insects #bug #bugs #si


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