Kinedu | Baby Development: Funny Faces

Описание к видео Kinedu | Baby Development: Funny Faces

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This video demonstrates an early stimulation activity for moms to carry out with their toddlers. Create your child's personalized developmental roadmap, track your child's developmental milestones, and boost his/her development!

Begin by sitting in front of your baby and making different gestures. Purse your lips, pucker them as if to give a kiss, blow up your cheeks, yawn making loud noises, make any gesture that comes to mind! Try to get your baby to imitate you; eventually he or she will learn to do so, as a game. This exercise will foster the serve and return relationship between you and your baby, creating nourishing experiences.

To reinforce the imitation of gestures and foster the serve and return relationship

Months: 4-6


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