What about the fifth skill of viewing? [Advancing Learning Webinar]

Описание к видео What about the fifth skill of viewing? [Advancing Learning Webinar]

In the English language curricula of a number of countries – for example, Canada, Australia and Singapore – two new skills, viewing and visually representing, have been added to the traditional skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking. Undoubtedly, these two new skills of viewing and representing will be integrated into national curricula throughout the world in the near future. In this webinar Kieran Donaghy examine s what viewing is and how we can help our students become more effective viewers by exploring a number of generic activities which can be used a variety of visual texts – photos, paintings, short films and videos. Teachers will go away from the webinar with a clear understanding of what the skill of viewing is and a number of tried and tested viewing activities to use with their students.

Learn more at: http://www.macmillanenglish.com


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