Modern HIFI Oscilloscope & Waveform & Spectrometer: The Making-of Movie

Описание к видео Modern HIFI Oscilloscope & Waveform & Spectrometer: The Making-of Movie

The motivation for this projecct was the sitution, that I was searching for a HiFi component which can display wavecurves like Audacity does. I use Audacity to edit music, but a HiFi component which shows the wavecurve in realtime is very useful when one wants to monitor recordings.

The hardware cost of this prototype with 4 displays, the USP connection to all 4 displays, a power supply, the bespoke Aluminium front panel and the used Technics tape deck is approx 500.- Swiss franks. There are not labor costs calculated.

I used the following components from the following suppliers
- Display:
- Front panel:
- I used an old Technics Tape Dec. It does not matter which device one uses, important ist a good metal shielding.

I hope this projects inspires some manufacturers of HiFi components to build new and modern units.

Since this a prototype I can not sell this unit.


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