Bot Protection in Cloudways Using MalCare

Описание к видео Bot Protection in Cloudways Using MalCare

🚀 Take advantage of the $15 hosting credits offer to tryout the Cloudways Platform and experience Bot Protection, powered by MalCare ➡️

Your website is exposed to a variety of problems, ranging from spam messages, poor speeds, and bot attacks. All of this results in poor user experience and has a negative impact on SEO. Lee Jackson was no stranger to this issue.

In this video, Lee talks about how he managed to overcome this problem, and the steps he took to overcome this issue.

Working with high-risk clients, he noticed that their websites were resulting in high bounce rates and slow loading speeds. With MalCare, that has changed.

Now, his websites load up fast, perform better, and more importantly, remain safe. Lee Jackson talks about how he configures MalCare for his websites!

📖 What You’ll Learn:

Introduction (0:00 - 1:00)
The Many Issues Plaguing Websites Today (1:01 - 1:59)
How MalCare Helps (2:15 - 3:20)
How to Set up MalCare (3:21 - 4:26)

Hit Play!

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