Taking the New Ultraview UV3XL Scope For A Ride Out at 100 Yds (How Did I Do?)

Описание к видео Taking the New Ultraview UV3XL Scope For A Ride Out at 100 Yds (How Did I Do?)

This is not a UV3XL review. And to be honest the way I came across this scope still blows my mind and is going to be highlighted in my TAC review video whenever I get some time to sit down and debrief everything. But with the limited time I had this week, I chose to shoot instead of talking to a Camera. It's always going to be my number one priority when it comes down to what I choose to do with my free time.

That being said, finally put a center dot and pushed out to 100 yards. I hope you enjoy.

Thanks for watching and reading.

Never forget to keep a Full Quiver and Shoot Straight.

00:00 Warm Up Shots
00:25 Intro
03:34 Shots at 100 yds
10:39 Group at 100 yds

Side Note for those out there like me. Those that are super critical and read the fine print. I didnt want to over edit this because I know how much I pick apart people shooing and swapping videos to show better groups then what they may have actually been shooting at a the time of recording. So if you are like me you look at the color of arrows, listen to time to bag, as well as every other nit picky thing you can find to see how well the person is actually shooting. So for my own mental health I wanted to make sure I shared this video with very limited cuts to allow for as close to a real time feel video I could make. Again I hope you enjoy it and criticize the crap out of it.

Remember I am simply a man trying to get great at archery so I can compete one day. So if the goal is to beat the Kyle Dougles and Bodie Turners of the world. I have a lot of work ahead of me. But that is also exactly what excites me. BeGreat BeBetter!

#mathewsarchery #archeryequipment #outdoors #bebetter #hoytarchery


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