What is activation energy - Threshold energy - energy barrier - rate of reaction - chemical kinetics

Описание к видео What is activation energy - Threshold energy - energy barrier - rate of reaction - chemical kinetics

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What is energy barrier?
In a chemical reaction, the reactant molecules require a minimum amount of energy, known as threshold energy to be converted to products.

However, under standard conditions, the energy of molecules will be less than the threshold energy. They have to acquire the minimum amount of extra energy to cross the threshold energy barrier. The difference between energies of normal molecules and the threshold energy is referred to as activation energy.

The molecules which get this activation energy are said to be activated and can be converted into products.
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Activation energy is a concept in chemistry that refers to the minimum amount of energy required for a chemical reaction to occur. It's the energy barrier that must be overcome for reactant molecules to transform into product molecules. Activation energy is a crucial factor in understanding reaction rates and whether a reaction will proceed.
Barrier to Reaction: Chemical reactions involve the breaking and formation of chemical bonds between atoms and molecules. To go from reactants to products, the reactant molecules must acquire sufficient energy to overcome the energy barrier, known as the activation energy barrier.

Energy Diagram: Activation energy is often represented on an energy diagram or reaction energy profile. The reactants are on the left side, and the products are on the right side. The activation energy is the energy difference between the reactants and the highest point on the energy diagram, known as the transition state or activated complex.

Effect on Reaction Rate: The height of the activation energy barrier directly influences the reaction rate. The higher the activation energy, the slower the reaction, as it takes more energy and collisions between particles to reach the transition state.


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