YOUR Score Reviewed! 'Whispers In The Dark' Scores with Leeds Conservatoire EXPERTS

Описание к видео YOUR Score Reviewed! 'Whispers In The Dark' Scores with Leeds Conservatoire EXPERTS

Join us live as Dr Brian Morrell, Principal Lecturer in Film Music and Deputy Head of the School of Music and Education at England's prestigious Leeds Conservatoire, and Stefan Gordon, Principal Lecturer in Film Music at Leeds Conservatoire review your WHISPERS IN THE DARK re-scores.

We'll also have a giveaway of a fantastic sample library from our friends at ‪@fracturesounds‬, selected live from people who submitted their re-scores for potential review.

Brian and Stefan join us here on YouTube on a monthly basis to do live reviews of YOUR music!

We are sure that you will find their expertise, opinions and discussion exciting, informative and interesting and we hope you'll join us in the live chat with your own thoughts and comments!

You can read more about Brian here - and here

This clip, un-scored, is provided FREE for members from our library at and we've recently added our newest clip, Use Your Vote, free for members. The new clip will be reviewed in a future livestream on November 29th. For a summary of current clips in our library, see this page -



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