Paradise Achievements (Demon Hunter - Peddle to the Meddle)

Описание к видео Paradise Achievements (Demon Hunter - Peddle to the Meddle)

Demon Hunter is my least favorite class, I think. Its introduction represented a significant speed up to gameplay, and my playstyle is the exact opposite of aggro. Be that as it may, this deck doesn't seem terrible at Doing the Thing, so let's get it done so we can leave this class behind us.

Peddle to the Meddle
Class: Demon Hunter
Format: Standard
Year of the Pegasus
# 2x (2) Instrument Tech
2x (2) Loot Hoarder
2x (2) Quick Pick
2x (3) Disciple of Argus
2x (3) Ravenous Kraken
2x (3) Stonehill Defender
2x (3) Tar Creeper
1x (3) Zola the Gorgon
2x (4) Azerite Chain Gang
2x (4) Caricature Artist
2x (4) Crimson Expanse
2x (4) Glaivetar
2x (4) Origami Crane
2x (4) Sleepy Resident
1x (5) Taelan Fordring
2x (6) Spirit Peddler
To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

1:33 Intro and Deck
3:03 Demonstrative Game
10:36 Progress Review


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