Programming the k2000: Sci-Fi pad

Описание к видео Programming the k2000: Sci-Fi pad

As promised, here is the third video of pad construction on the K2000 based on ‪@Thought-Forms‬ video using the Korg Triton VST. I plan on upgrading this unit soon with a ZuluSCSI, the most recent firmware, and a brighter screen. Hopefully the volume and lighting is better in this video than in the last.

Here is the Thought Forms video that gave me the inspiration for these:
   • Learn these 3 essential ambient pad s...  

Here is the tune I mentioned that uses this style of pad:
   • Ambient DNB with the E-MU MP-7 "Brief...  

Check out my Bandcamp:

0:00 Intro
0:57 Default Program
1:05 Keymap
1:25 High pass filter
1:42 Modifier
2:19 Editing Envelope 2
3:50 Editing Amp Envelope
5:00 Effects
5:40 Layer and detune
6:40 Noodling
7:09 Conclusion


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