Phase Match Your Speakers with AllPass Filters

Описание к видео Phase Match Your Speakers with AllPass Filters

Taking the time to properly correct for the phase issues provides a truly worthwhile sonic benefit and an optimized listening experience. Phase correction is complex, and I simply don't have all the answers, but in this tutorial, I’ll pass along original techniques validated through vigorous testing and personal listening experience - video resolution: 2,160 x 1440 (60fps).

00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:30 Tutorial Steps
00:03:17 Measuring speaker phase response accurately
00:05:04 Calibration microphone phase correction
00:09:10 Generating excess phase response
00:10:48 Correcting speaker crossover and box and port phase shifts with rePhase
00:16:03 Correcting peak energy time with all pass filters
00:24:25 Checking filter for pre echo
00:29:33 Aligning speaker phases with each other

Free tool REW Early Access Build used in the tutorial:

Free tool rePhase v1.4.3 used in the tutorial:

#roon "room EQ wizard" "filter design" "phase inversion" #audiophile #impulseresponse #convolution #filters #rew #roomcorrection #calibration #fouriertransform #fourier #equalization #equalizer #hometheater #cinemasound #soundsystem #dirac #dolbyatmos #speakertest #impulse #phase #hifi #hifiaudio #bass #bassboost #graphicequalizer #hometheater #impulse #iir #fir #lowpassfilter #phase #rephase #sota #viral #audio #rew “speaker placement” “speaker matching” “speaker impedance” “double bass array” #subwoofer “subwoofer placement” “phase correction” “crossover” "speaker port measurement" #systemdesign #systemtuning #livesound #liveaudio #sounddesign #audioengineering #soundoptimization #liveaudio #concertsound #audiomath #systemtuning #proaudio #soundengineering #soundtech #sounddesigner


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