CP Trains Battle 'The Hill' [HD]

Описание к видео CP Trains Battle 'The Hill' [HD]

Hey fans, subscribers and friends!

Well, where do I begin after all this time away. It's hard to believe that the last time I shared a video on YouTube was close to 2 years ago! Despite my lengthy hiatus from YouTube, I would like everyone to know that I am still very much alive (despite popular belief), and am living a happy and exciting life at Ryerson University in Toronto, where I am studying my first year of Media Production.

I didn't stop posting to YouTube because of any traumatic events, bouts of depression, or accidents - I simply got bored of YouTube, needed a break and needed to find something new to do. As a result, I set ambitious new goals and have been chasing my dreams ever since.

When I took up still photography a few years back, it provided me with a greater challenge when shooting and telling stories. It also allowed me to develop a stronger eye for composition. In the latter half of Grade 12 I formed a band with some friends from High School, and have recently enjoyed fantastic local reception upon performing our first concert last week. I have since moved away from the countryside, and now call Toronto my home. Ryerson is the one school that I had my heart set on in my later High School years. When I received an early acceptance (being 1 of the 250 people to get accepted from 900 applicants), this signalled a great change in my life.

But after all this time away from YouTube, I started to get the feeling that I really owed something to my loyal subscribers and fans who still check in regularly. Although there isn't much new material in this video, you will get to see some shots that have never previously made it onto my page. I can't guarantee that I'll post many new videos as I have a very busy schedule, but for now I hope you enjoy this video!

All the best and thanks for tuning in,



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