Personal Spiritual Practice - Full and unedited version

Описание к видео Personal Spiritual Practice - Full and unedited version

Since I received the cancer diagnosis, I have concentrated on my spiritual practice and I have been doing morning and evening spiritual exercises and have noticed a massive difference in my frequency and how I feel.

This is such an important time to claim your power by envisioning the life you wish to create and living it. It must happen. When enough of us focus on the glorious golden future of community, equality, perfect health, rejuvenation and soul satisfaction, we will bring it forward.

It is personal to me of course and what I feel is right for me. However, I wanted to share it in case any or all of it resonates with you. If it does, please use whatever you wish to or change it to suit your own circumstances. I know that doing this has massively shifted my energy and light levels. And I have loved doing it!!!!


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