Why we are moving to using PC's, personal servers and now PD's

Описание к видео Why we are moving to using PC's, personal servers and now PD's

Yep, that is right, we and now feeling the hard push for everyone to buy only PD devices. What PD's Personal devices that only really do one thing, access the internet. You having a personal PC mean no profit for those company's that want you top depend on them for everything like Apple does with its product. This is becoming more more as we see less and less real powerful PC like hardware out there to use or buy. Yes, this is a war between those that wish to stay independent and those that want us to not be so independent for there is no profit in it for them, as in they taking your funds for their profit. It is sad... We can have both and over time it will re balance out but still, what a pain in my eyes. Enjoy!


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