Testie vs GRIEFERS. The game that got me banned from HoN. Silhouette vs Griefers + Enemy team.

Описание к видео Testie vs GRIEFERS. The game that got me banned from HoN. Silhouette vs Griefers + Enemy team.

We gave Devo mid as he asked. During this game Devo proceeds to do the following: Wards the entire jungle. Buys couriers to feed to the enemy team for a great surplus of gold. Hooks team mates when tping. ETC ETC ETC. Shellshock also griefs. Enjoy! -- Watch live at   / angrytestie  

Note: The title is clickbait. I was banned on my main account for 5 days and muted for 3. I still have my other Testie account which has 4 sub accounts.


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