  / mcyogi  
  / mcyogi108  
  / mcyogi  


This is the story of a misfit who became a mystic
Young punk coming of age In the days materialistic
Gifted but at the same time afflicted
Felt like inside the knots were tied and twisted
No aim to hit so target he missed it
Conflicted searching outside trying to fix it
Addicted but to the wrong prescription
If he can’t kick it these side effects could kill him
Plus it doesn’t help that he kicks it with Dimwits
Numbskulls crazy kids chasing gimmicks Pushing the limits
trying to find the edge of the ledge what is it
trying to find the edge of the ledge what is it
There must be something better out there that can heal him
Something to give him that easy peaceful feeling
Otherwise the consensus the prediction
He’s probably gonna end up another young dumb statistic

Friends dropping out of school most won’t finish
Some overdosed now there gone life diminished
Some hung gun to the head life extinguished
Thats when he realized this life is not a scrimmage
Wish he would have told his friend on that last visit
Don’t give up it gets better but you gotta keep living
heart broken by the news heart shattered cataclysm
feeling lost and confused my friend I really miss him
best friend got sent to Juvey locked up and convicted
Better be careful don't get caught up in system
Mom said decisions create your conditions
We can react get trapped or transcend them
But when your heads down its hard to have that vision
and when your feel depressed it can be hard to listen
Lost in fantasies trying to escape the tension
Trapped inside the mind a different kinda prison

Looking around he began to ask questions
am i next Whats gonna happen to me, will end like my best friend
skipping school start using drugs as recreation
Class Clown on the verge of another suspension
Started writing rhymes to pass time in detention
Art became his outlet graffiti his obsession
Kicked out of three schools addicted to vandalism
its looking bleak praying to God for that divine intervention
Now he’s in new home living in a group home
readjust just trying to fit into a new system
He’s doing better now but certain things still get him down
He’s still thirsty searching for that connection
drawn to religion but believe in superstition
he longs for true wisdom something that could give him
A sense of purpose some kind of meaning a mission
Thats when he closed his eyes looked inside had a vision

He began to see life is precious is in order to shift it
he have to admit to himself that he had been drifting
He needed discipline and patience would take commitment
He would have to confront his own laziness and resistance
he would need to develop strength and resilience
in order to bring out that spark of inner brilliance
He resolved to stay focused full time with persistence
meditating everyday realigning his position
Now he has purpose He feels Driven
Now he feels focused Moving in the right Direction
Now he’s dedicated now he has conviction
Now he feels connected committed to his healing
From misery to victory tragedy to triumph
from the darkest to light the ladder (he) we must climb up
the main assignment take the mind and realign it
breathe slow until you master and refine it

rise up

paint drips from my cursive calligraphy
Spiritual Graffiti Spiritual Graffiti


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