June 2017 Haul and Update- Crafty Max

Описание к видео June 2017 Haul and Update- Crafty Max

So here is my comeback video after so long.. typical of me to make it a Haul!!
I have not done much crafting recently with exams and the like,
so I thought I would get myself some new things to start.

I love everything I got, and as I said next week is going to be a Altenew New Day card Kit week.. So SUBSCRIBE!! so you don't miss any video.
This is a haul from https://sevenhillscrafts.co.uk/

Everything in this video is bought with my own money by me.

The time I FINALLY stop talking and the haul starts is 2:30

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Pinterest   / handmadebymos  
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and my blog https://craftymax.wordpress.com/

Thanks so much for watching.
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Please watch: "Random Stamp Card Challenge"
   • Random Stamp Card Challenge  


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