the most decadent smoked salmon mousse

Описание к видео the most decadent smoked salmon mousse

I decided to take down my website, so here’s the recipe instead thank you and sorry for the confusion

Smoked salmon paupiette

Smoked salmon slices 400g
Fish or chicken stock 160g
Double cream 80g
Gelatine leaves 2
Unsalted butter 20g
Worcester and tobasco sauce to taste
Black pepper a few twists
rich and decadent smoked salmon mousse, have you seen those smoked salmon mousses in the deli and thought how lovely they look and probably too difficult to make? Then I hope you will have a go after seeing how easy it is, yes there is technique involved and you will have to follow the method and step by step to achieve it, but it really isn't difficult at all.
In this recipe i line the smoked salmon mousse with sliced smoked salmon which qualifies it for a fancy French name 'paupiette' which really just refers to a dish of sliced meat or fish that is filled with either vegetables or meat or fish, they are typically raw foods which must be roasted or poached, but in this smoked salmon mousse recipe there is no cooking involved.


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