Cobra Kai 2 Dojos Rising - Cobra Classics - School

Описание к видео Cobra Kai 2 Dojos Rising - Cobra Classics - School

Complete gameplay of Episode "High School Brawl" from Cobra Classics mode, without comments.

As part of the levels that make up “Cobra kai 2: Dojos Rising” a sequel game inspired by the television series “Cobra Kai”, School was a level inspired by the unforgettable school fight scenes in the series.

School is also one of the levels used in the Cobra Classics game mode, where the player relives key moments from the series. In this episode I built an experience that recreates the big fight at school between Cobra-Kai and Miyagi-Do students, for that we built 11 combat sections between individual fights between characters from the series and fights with waves of generic enemies.


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