STEAK AND KIDNEY PIE | South African YouTuber

Описание к видео STEAK AND KIDNEY PIE | South African YouTuber

Steak and kidney is a savory dish made from cubed steak, kidney and chopped onion, the gravy should be of thick consistency made with broth and flour.

Puff, short crust or phyllo pastry can be used as pie crust; as well as mashed potatoes.


Clean kidneys; cut 500g steak and 500g kidneys into bite size pieces, sprinkle 25ml flour over the meat. Brown the meat, add 1 onion and season with salt and pepper; add 500ml stock, 50ml lemon juice and 2 bayleaves. Cook for 45min over low heat and meat is tender and sauce thickens. Cool the meat, cover with puff pastry, brush with egg white and bake 25min @200°c.


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