Can you turn the WEAKEST attack into a ONE HIT KILL? - DS3

Описание к видео Can you turn the WEAKEST attack into a ONE HIT KILL? - DS3

I had to ban "Way of White Corona" since then it would be an impossible task. No professionals allowed.

   / patokia  
   • How Defense Works in Dark Souls III  

First we need the lowest defense and HP possible! This is the SORCERER! He has the lowest physical defense and hp of all classes.
With only 47 physical defense and 381 while unembered.
Stripping down now gives you 0% absorption. DS3 works much like Bloodborne in how it handles defense. Having a empty gear slot will alter your defense by more than you would expect, see Scott's video + reddit thread for more details.
The weakest SINGLE ATTACK in the game is the Crab Jab, dealing just 76 DAMAGE!
We can use the Calamity Ring, Any 2 Clutch Rings and the Carthus Blood Ring for a whopping -214.6 Absorption!
And Absorption actually does work exactly as advertised, so you WILL get a boost by that amount.
We can increase this further with FROSTBITE (-7%) to a max of -236.622 Absorption! (since it all somewhat stacks multiplicatively )
We can also buff the crab with an red phantom with SACRED OATH or the WAR BANNER BUFF.
Combine these with SUPER COUNTERS (counter states that make that THUNK sound effect) we now have a insta-kill with the lil'crabbo!
However the weakest single damage instance is actually the 1st hit in the 1st hollow's multihit fury swipe attack!
Dealing only 63 damage compared to the crabs 76.
We cannot summon in this area, but if we could, would it be lethal?
Testing with hacked HP (not to alter the defenses) we can make the crab deal a maximum of 377 damage, or a 396% improvement.
But using this number for the hollow fails to let us reach our 323 HP total, since it will only reach approx 312 damage.



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