[ 청와대 경호 대책위원회 ], 참고문헌 참조: Microsoft  bing.검색 2025.를, 참조 했읍니다. (5분27초)

Описание к видео [ 청와대 경호 대책위원회 ], 참고문헌 참조: Microsoft  bing.검색 2025.를, 참조 했읍니다. (5분27초)

[ 청와대 경호 대책위원회 ], 참고문헌 참조: Microsoft  bing.검색 2025.를, 참조 했읍니다. (5분27초)

"" 진실하게, 자기완성을 성취하여, 행복한 삶을 살아가는, 인간이 되어야 합니다. 성실한 노력과 성공을 향한, 끝없는 자신감으로 살아간다면, 참으로 뜻있는, 영광스런 미래를 성공으로, 만들어 갈 수 있읍니다. ""

시청해 주셔서 감사합니다

[Cheong Wa Dae Security Task Force], see Reference: Microsoft bing. Search 2025. I referred to. (5 minutes 27 seconds)

"" You have to be a human being who truly, achieves self-completeness, lives a happy life. If you live with sincere effort, endless confidence in success, you can make a truly meaningful, glorious future a success."

Thank you for watching.


[Cheong Wa Dae Security Countermeasures Committee]

The Blue House Security Countermeasures Committee has been officially renamed the Presidential Security and Safety Countermeasures Committee. This committee works in cooperation with various institutions for the security and safety of the President and others. Major members include the National Intelligence Service, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Science and ICT, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, the Korea Customs Service, the Supreme Prosecutors' Office, the National Police Agency, the National Fire Agency, the Korea Coast Guard, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Armed Forces Counterintelligence Command.

This committee performs various duties such as rapid dissemination of security-related intelligence and information, removal of hazards, event observation, identification of trends and security measures for overseas Koreans.


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