Expert Advice on Your Relationship Problems [Real Talk Episode 5]

Описание к видео Expert Advice on Your Relationship Problems [Real Talk Episode 5]

Expert relationship therapists Terry and Belinda Real answer your questions on love, marriage, and dating—with a particular focus on love avoidance.

Watch now to hear their advice on how to open up the lines of communication with a love avoidant partner, including how to speak so they can listen non-defensively and help you get more of what you want in your relationship.

We also hear from a love avoidant who deeply fears intimacy. We explore how to work on building self-esteem and healing from past hurts to move toward secure attachment.

And we dive into questions around navigating mismatched sex drives, a lack of physical attraction for your long-term partner, and how to stay calm and grounded when your parents still speak to you like a child.

Do you have a question for Terry and Belinda? Submit them here, and yours could feature in an upcoming episode of Real Talk:


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