Restore Nature Now 2023: Leif Bersweden Speaks up for Wild Plants

Описание к видео Restore Nature Now 2023: Leif Bersweden Speaks up for Wild Plants

Botanist and campaigner for wild plants, Leif Bersweden, spoke up for wild plants at the Restore Nature Now action outside Defra in September 2023.

A new stock-take of the UK’s wildlife, the ‘State of Nature 2023’ report, has revealed continued declines in our biodiversity, with over half of our flowering plants declining in their range since 1970.

The startling data has renewed calls from Plantlife and its partners for urgent action for nature’s recovery by governments and across society.  

Healthy wild plants, fungi & other wildlife species and habitats provide essential solutions to the climate crisis and increasing resilience.

With 2/5 of the world’s wild plants at risk of extinction and only 3% of UK wildflower meadows surviving compared to 100 years ago, Plantlife are calling for ambitious action now.

Join us alongside campaigners like Leif, in speaking up for wild plants and climate.

Find Leif Bersweden online
and on Instagram   / leifbersweden  

Read more about the State of Nature 2023 report and Plantlife's call for action


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