
Описание к видео 2022年新修復,台灣唯一石油聚落文化景觀~出磺坑歷史建築群、古油井步道

Chuhuangkeng, Gongguan Township, Miaoli County is the first place where oil was discovered in Taiwan, and it has a history of 150 years. Historic Buildings of Chuhuangkeng Petroleum Mining Settlement has restoration Completed, and Become a new Highlight of sightseeing! Visit the Ancient Oil Well Trail and appreciate the historical relics of Taiwan's oil industry over the past century.

本次旅行的交通資訊,請參考以下Google Map連結:
(Please refer to the following Google Map link for the traffic informatin )

【一般路程時間參考】(Walking reference time)
參觀出磺坑歷史建築群, 建議停留時間至少約2小時。
It is recommended to stay for at least 2 hours when visiting the historical buildings in Chuhuangkeng.
Taiwan Oil Field Exhibition Hall → 40 minutes (Ancient Oil Well Trail) → Monument Square

【公廁資訊】(Lavatory Information)
There are public toilets in Chuhuangkeng parking lot and Monument Square.

【交通資訊】(Traffic Information)
★Public transportation: Take bus 5656 in the direction of Dahu Zhuolan from Miaoli Cityto Chukuangeng Stop, and walk across the Chuhuangkeng Bridge to reach the .
★Drive by yourself: Enter "Taiwan Oil Field Exhibition Hall, Gongguan Township, Miaoli County " in Google Maps Satellite Navigation to the destination., and there is a parking lot behind the exhibition hall.

【延伸閱讀】(Extended reading)
★Tony的自然人文旅記第0663篇 - 出磺坑

★Tony的自然人文旅記第0885篇 - 出磺坑古道(法雲寺古道)

★更多的旅記, 歡迎造訪我的網站:

【本次旅行GPX軌跡檔案下載】(GPX track file download for this trip)

【Tony著作的旅遊書, 歡迎訂購!】(Tony's travel book, welcome to order)
《大台北宜蘭小村+步道 達人全程帶隊影音版 》
《大台北步道100影音增強版: PLUS達人全程帶隊 》

【影片製作相關設備及軟體】(Video production related equipment and software)
Gopro Hero 10 運動型攝影機 (攝影)
270-pro Backpack 碳纖維自拍桿 (自拍棒)
Relive app 3D GPS足跡 (行程記錄)
Power Director 15 威力導演 ( 剪接/字幕)
YouTube音效庫 (音樂)
PhotoImpact 13 (繪圖)
Google Map (交通地圖)

00:01 Hopeful Freedom - Asher Fulero
03:03 Lullaby - JVNA
06:22 Kiss the Sky - Aakash Gandhi
09:02 Beneath the Moonlight
11:53 Dreamland
14:52 Parisian Cafe - Aaron Kenny


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